
Welcome to the home page of the Aero-acoustics Group at the University of Bristol. The Aeroacoustics group is part of the Fluid and Aerodynamics Research Group at the University of Bristol. Our research concentrates on problems involving noise from different aero-structures, such as jet engines, airfoils, undercarriage system, bluff bodies, etc. We are engaged in both fundamental and applied research in the areas of aerodynamics and aeroacoustics. To understand the underlying physics of noise generation and develop new noise control techniques, we use experimental, computational and theoretical methods. A detailed description of our current research activities is outlined on our research page. For questions about our research, contact Dr Mahdi Azarpeyvand.



  • Active/passive flow control
  • Flow instability
  • Airfoil noise
  • Jet noise
  • Noise propagation effects
  • Porous materials

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